Check mintTranfer Method

The checkMintTransfer() is a public method that allows users to check whether the given TPA names are available for purchase or have already been minted. It takes two input parameters: _names, an array of bytes32 representing the TPA names to be checked, and _amounts, an array of uint32 representing the amount of TPAs to be checked.

function checkMintTransfer(bytes32[] _names, uint32[] _amounts) public view returns(bool)

Input & Output

  • _names: an array of bytes32 representing the TPA names to be checked.

  • _amounts: an array of uint32 representing the amount of TPAs to be checked. The length of this array should be the same as the length of the _names array, and all elements should be set to 1.

  • This function returns a boolean value indicating whether the given TPAs are available for purchase (true) or have already been minted (false).


For example:

const result = await stageMetaContract.checkMintTransfer(
 [1, 1]);
console.log("check result:", result);

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